Reasons Why You Still Has No Relationship
Some reasons why you still has no girlfriends, I'll describe it in this post.
Reasons Why You Still Single
Posted by:
Alvine Sasongko
Still has no relationship, do you? Do you really got what things made you like this? Are you sure? If you were really sure, I hope you check your thoughts once with my writings. And for someone don’t know about the reason why being “forever alone” especially don’t if you have something wrong, you were in the right place. So, this time I’ll help you by explaining about activities that you often do that make you still has no relationship instead of being more attractive. 'Reasons Why You Still Single'
1. Too Cool
Because you pretend to be a cool person, you will not know when you are in a state of “too much cool”. If you act too cool, then people will not want to approach you, they will find someone who is able to reach out, not looking for a too cool person who don’t know where he will go.
2. Too Gentle
It’s good to be a gentle person, every girls like gentle persons. But you must know that “MAN” are rough and strong, if you are too much gentle then the “man” impression will gone and do you know what happen? Yeah something like “homo s*x*al” or “pansy” will reach you. So, be a natural man, and don’t drama.
3. Wanna Know Everything and Like to Gossipping
This kind of person is sociable person, but girls don’t prefer it to be a boyfriend for them. Wanna know everything means, he wanna know every problem happen in front of his eyes, and in the end he talks and gosipping about it. Girls will don’t feel safe if they are in a relationship with this kind of person, although this kind of person has many friends but no one will prefer to be a girlfriend of this person.
4. Too Much Talks To Your Crush
Everyone’s will get bored if you talks so much, everyone especially girls, especially your crush. Man is a kind of human who has strong mentality, strong and rough body, they will talks when it needed, that what the man is. So if you’re talks too much, 'Reasons Why You Still Single' from now on be a real man.
5. Over-Dressed
Man is simple, if you like it you wear it, the fu*k about the people say. This era surely so much a girlish man, girlish man is a man that dressed too much, think too much about his dress, think too much if he looks good or not. It is natural if you wanna saw cool and handsome, but if it’s too much, then the girls actually don’t like it.
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Title: Reasons Why You Still Has No Relationship
Written By Alvine Sasongko
Rating Blog 5 out of 5