Easy Gardening Ideas To Plant Fruit

Easy Gardening Ideas To Plant Fruit

Gardening using household furnishing

How to Make Green Garden

Posted by , on January 11-01-2016

Guidance of easy gardening ideas that match to do at home and also can beautify house and beautify garden. Everyone has an urge to get beauty and green garden. There are many various ways to do the gardening, from hard-and-complicated ways till the simple ones. Hard-and-complicated ways are surely produce good quality plants, but the simple ways can also produce a good quality plants even not as good as the hard ways.

Simple gardening is usually plants small fruit like dragonfruit, melon, grapes, etc. And tools are easily found daily or sometimes using cheap tool bought from the florist. That tools are usual and familiar to us, watering can, small hoe, small garden pot, etc. About the seeds and fertilizers oftenly we can just buy it from florist or agriculture shop nearby to our live place. So the simple gardening ways is very easy to do and it doesn’t need much tools. Before do the gardening, we need to read some reference and guidance in order to get the better results.

The gardening guidance or reference always provide some creative ideas which can be applied to your future/present garden. Then now writer will describes about another easy gardening ideas to plant fruit. Here it is the writer will give right steps of easy gardening ideas to plant fruit using houeshold equipment:

1. Choose the Fruit

First you must determine what fruit you want to plant. You have choose the fruit on the right season, or if you live in the tropical country then choose whatever fruit plant you like to. Size and seed kinds will determine how long the plants will grow. Or simply you can check your refrigerator if there are some fruits inside.

2. Seed Treatments

After that take the seeds inside the fruit, then rub the seeds to clean it from the fruit pulp as clean as possible, because if it doesn’t clean enough the sprout won’t grow but don’t rub it too much there will a possibility of seeds to be wounded. After the seed is clean enough, soak it inside a fresh water and cover it tightly with a plastic wrap or another plastic to keep the dampness. Keep the seeds soaked in 4-7 days till the sprout grow. If the sprout start growing just keep it soaked till the sprout grow bigger. And don’t forget to change the water everyday. If it’s big enough then seed treatment is over.

Soaking the seeds in the unused glass of water
Note: If the sprout won’t grow in 7 days, then repeat this step.

3. Make the Pot

While we waiting for the seeds to sprout, we can use the time to make a pot for your seeds. For choosing a pot, you can use the household equipment or usable trash. You can use glass, mug, or any goods with good container-shaped for pot. Plastic container is recommended for this use because it is easy maintenance for futher uses and easy if we want to make a hole. You don’t need a large pot, just find pot with 10-20 diameter size but it also depends on how big the seed is. After you’ve already choose your pot, then make a hole in the below surface of your pot, you just need 1 cm diameter hole with 3 – 4 quantity - pot creating success.

4. Collecting Materials and Finalizing Pot

Materials needed for this plantation is; fertile soil, and some gravels. Pick some fertile soil and put it in medium container, then pick some small gravels. Gravels need to be washed before. After your materials are ready, then the next step is finalizing your pot. Fill the ¼ of pot insides with gravels, after that put the soil to the pot till ¾ of pot. To beautify your pot, put some gravels on the soil, put it around the surfaces inside the pot so the center of pot won’t interrupted by gravels.

How the Pot Looks like

5. Seeding

Seeding is very important things to do so do it carefully. After the seed has sprouting enough, you can put it on the pot you’ve created. Put it on the middle pot so the gravels wong interrupt it. You must water it everyday and control the dampness, never let it too dry or the sprouts will wilt and wont grow. Do this step consistenly everyday to get results as we expected. The expected results is when the sprouts grow into like a newborn plant. If your seeds become like this then you can be a little relax now. Let the plants grow into that pot till it’s big enough or till the water easy to dry.

How the seeding results looks like:

3 Days after Seeding

6 Days after Seeding

This is the example of Dragonfruit plants that successfully grew. It's really match to green garden.

That’s all the steps of easy gardening ideas using houehold equipment. I think you should go try those steps in your home and grow your own fruit. Surely, gardening is fun plus it’s easy and cheap, it also can beautify house or beautify garden. It's also healthy to eat something you really know how they've come. So, what are you waiting for?

Title: Easy Gardening Ideas To Plant Fruit
Written By Alvine Sasongko
Rating Blog 5 out of 5

Keywords: easy gardening, gardening ideas, easy gardening ideas, dragonfruit, plant fruit, seeding, beautify garden, beautify house, seed, fruit, garden, gardening, green garden, healthy, seed treatments, how to make green garden, cheap garden, easy garden, household gardening, planting fruit, fruit planting, fruit seeds, creating pot, finalizing pot

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