How To Write A Song

How To Write A Song

Posted by: Published On: 28 January 2016

This all is some easy ways and quick tips to make and write a song of your own.

1. First, Know Your Music Taste

The first thing you have to do before build up the song is you have to know your music taste. It’s so difficult if we doing something that make us uncomfortable or something stranger of us right? If you want to make a fine song then you must make a song that compatible with your music taste because it is easier to make one if you do. So you must know your music taste, then you can determine what the song genre you want to create.

2. Determine The Title

This step is directly going into the paper. After you succesfully determine your song genre and know your music taste, then the next step you have to do is you have to determine the tittle of your song. Tittle must describe about the feeling of song maker when make the current song, or desribe the major-context of the song. Tittle will make a great impact to the song listener, make sure your song has a relation with the song contents, and make a simple-easy title to begin your first song.

3. Write Down The Lyrics

This step is the crucial one. Oftenly, the rating of song ; how the good of song, how the easy of song, all of this matter is depends on how the lyrics you will write. Discussing about the technics, it is easier if you write down your lyrics in a same way with the way you write a poem. If you want, you can write down your lyrics like in a “narative” ways but you will experienced another difficulties in the next step if you do that way. Another technics of write down a lyrics is, make sure you write in a poem-styled word ways. If you do, it will finely increase the appeal of your song and of course it will sounds beautifully, in the end everyone will love your song.

4. Determine How The Tone Will Be Like

There is one requirement before you do this step. You have to ask someone to play a music instrument for you, or it’s better if you can do music by yourself. Then, you can next choose one of two this way. First choice, sing your lyrics by random tone as you like. Do it over and over again until you found the right tone and until you memorize it finely. After that, play a music intrument to find theright tone as same as the tone you’d memorize. Second choice, play the music instrument and make a chord. After the chord has made succesfully, then sing your lyrics as the same tone as the chord you’d already made. You can choose the one of those two choices, choose the most comfortable and suitable for you.

5. Record The Song

Record the song you’ve already made. Use your smartphone or computer to record your song, or you can download recorder application in the playstore to get the better records quality. Do the recording in the quiet place.

6. Ask Someone To Criticize Your Song

After you’ve already record your song in your device, then ask someone to hear the records. Ask them to criticize your song. Don’t ask just one person, but ask more than two person. After that write down the criticize you get from others, then looks after the major criticize you get from. Then recreate your song till you got the right tone.

Title: How To Make A Song
Written By Alvine Sasongko
Rating Blog 5 out of 5

Keywords: how to write a song, make a song, how to write songs, how to make your own song, how to write song lyrics, how to write your own song, how to create a song, writing songs, write a song, how to make songs, how to write a song lyrics, how to write music, how to write lyrics, how to write a good song, writing a song, how to wright a song, how do you write a song, how to compose a song, write a song online, how to make music, make song, writing song lyrics, how do you make a song, write songs, how to make song, how to write song, how to write music lyrics, how to make a good song, write your own music, how to create your own song
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