RimWorld Tutorials - Completed 'How To' Tutorials Part 1 (Last Part)

Rimworld Complete How To Tutorial Part 1 (3)

Posted by: Published On: 08 August2016

Nice to see you! Meet me again in this Rimworld Alpha 13. This is my first complete tutorial video of Rimworld where I answer up all of the FAQ of Rimworld gameplay and I make really completed tutorial in this video. This isn’t finished yet, I also make another resume of complete rimworld tutorial video. .

Research Tab

Now we'll talk about another most important tabs in this game. It's called research tab. At the first time you open it, you will see informational windows that said Until you build a research bench your colonist will not actually be able to do research. However you can still look at research projects now. Research is a way to upgrade the technology of your colonist. The key for finishing this game is on this research tab. Then, because of the complication of this tab I'll show you later in the advanced tutorial.

Menu Tab

I don't think I must describe about this tab. This menu tab is just like the general menu tabs on many games.

Informational Screen Interface

Now we'll talk about all of the informational interface that showing up on the gameplay screen. First informational screen is the the status box and message box. the one that i am pointing right now is status box.
Below the status box is mssge box. This area is where the message will showed up. but right now I have no message showing up because i dont do anything yet. The second is the real time clock. the developer know that this is a very addcting game, so they shwoing up the realtime clock so we'll not frget about what time it is. The third is temperature information. This temperature information calculate the temperature where the mouse is pointing. The mouse pointer is pointing on outside now so it calcuated the entire outdoor temperature. Now let's take a look if we point the mouse inside the room. The temperature information changed the subject, now it's calculate the indoor temperature. I think it's very useful when you try to manage room temperature. wheter if u need to install heater or cooler, or just installing vents. Now the fourth it's gives you information about the weather. And then informational screen interface that i am pointing now is date information. you can see the gameplay days after your arrival, and you can see waht season now. Now this is used for changing the game speed. you can perform it by clicking on the speed symbol. you can pause it, play it, play it with 2 times speed, or 3 times speed. You also can do it with number pad on ur keyboard. 1 for normal speed, 2 for 2 times more speed, and 3 for 3 times more speed, and press space to pause the game. Then we'll talk about 6 symbols on the bottom right screen. this symbol is used for enablng and disabling the animals's name to showing up. You can see my dog name is showing up and hidden. Then another symbol. This symbol is used for enabling and disabling the area color. so lets make an area for make an example, so you can see it clearly worked. Now lets disabling it. okay i think it's pretty clear. Now we'll talk about another symbol, it is called beauty display symbol. this symbol will showing many number around the pointing mouse. It's showing the environment appeal which where the mouse is pointing. you also can use this feature on the room. so you can know the beauty value of the room. then the next symbol is for showing up the room status if your pointer is pointing a room. This feature will calculate the room stats like impressiveness, wealth, space, beauty, and cleanliness of the room. it is very helpful to track stats of the room to make an adorable bedroom for your colonist. Next this symbol is used for enabling and disabling the resource readout on the upper left screen. I'll do something so you can see the differences. the resources is read out now, so let's try this feature. I think it's useful if u have too much types of resources you see the differences? so you now know the fucntion of this symbol. The home symbol is used for enabling and disabling auto home zone area. This feature will make an automatically home area if u build a room or anything outside your are. it will automatically created. and the last, we have resource read out on the upper right screen.

Stocpiles Zone

Stockpile is a place where the colonist put something up for storage for the entire colonist life. I think stockpile is the very first. Thing you have to build because it's easy but it's very important for your colonist life. You need stockpile all the time even if you are in the winning condition. Without stockpile ur food will be expire, your clothes will be worn out, your weapon will be broken, and there are so many negative things will happen if you dont build any stockpile. stockpiles isn't just about place something value but stockpiles are also area where we put thrash. the stocpiles named by dumping stocpiles. So inthis time i'll show you about how to build stockpiles and how to fill it.
Before you build a stockpile, better just check out on your planned homebase if there's a free unused room or not. If there's a free room around ur planned home base build 1 stockpiles inside, and 1 stockpile outside. i think its enough. then dont forget to build Dumping stockpile too. after that you can manage what items or goods that you want to store in that stocple. i reccomending you to use stocpile inside room just to store food and medicine. because food or medicine needs roof so they will expire slower. then, manage the outside stockpile to just store raw materials , cmponents, and artiery shell.
We already have the stockpiles. so what we missed? we need something to fill that stockpiles. to start filling stockpiles just select on any materials then make it unfirbidden, or until the red hand symbol change to the green hand symbol. Then your colonist will automatically hauling the items that you've already unforbidden. So this is how he stockpile looks like. this is when you succesfully fill the stockpile in the right way. Congratulations,now let's head out to another tutorial.

Make Bedroom

the first thing you must build or prepare in the early game is rooms for ur colonist. Each colonist must has one room. So in the first game we shall be make 3 rooms.
But, before we start making room. Make sure you keep this word in ur mind. "Build everything in the mountain" Thats why I told you in the previous tutorial that you have to pick mountainous place to live in. But if u are pro enough and going to make rooms outside mountain, it's your choice. HereI just make some recommendation for starter. So now let's take a look on a mountains around this place and make it as living place. So here it is, 3 colonist beds is ready for 3 colonist. each one colonist has it own room so I think it's pretty good.

How To Makde Medical Bed

It is very simple after all. Before you do this step, make sure you have equal bedroom to the number of colonist that you have, and you have at least free 2 rooms with each room installed one bed. To assign bed to the colonist, simply clik the bed then click the set owner command, then choose the colonist. DO this till all of your colonist has the bed. Then next step is making a medical bed. To do this simply click the free bed, then click set as medical bed. So now u already has bed to treating sick colonist. Then to make prisoner bed the step is same as making medical bed. SImply click the bed and click set for prisoners. If you have more than one bed in this room, all the other bed will become the prisoners room too.

Equip Weapon

To equip weapon make sure you have weapon and one colonist that able to perform violent activity. To equip weapon just simply select the colonist and right click to the unforbidden weapon, then choose equip. Now your colonist will be safe and can do violent activity better.

Check out the videos! Rimworld Completed How to Tutorials - Part One (1): https://youtu.be/1hGJr8NkQtk
Title: Rimworld Complete How To Tutorial Part 1 (3)
Written By Alvine Sasongko
Rating Blog 5 out of 5

Keywords: rimworld, rimworld tutorial, rimworld easy tutorial, rimworld completed how to tutorial for beginner, rimworld completed how to tutorial part 3, rimworld completed how to tutorial episode 3, rimworld episode 3, rimworld part 3, rimworld beginner completed how to tutorial, easy start for rimworld, rimworld easy start, play rimworld part 3, play rimworld episode 3, let's play rimworld part 3, let's play rimworld episode 3, rimworld on steam, ludeon studious, designing game by tynan sylvester, rimworld alpha 13, rimworld basic gameplay, rimworld alpha 14
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