Beware: Straighten Up Your Egg Consumption

Guys! This time I am going to share about both health and food. This is latest health news I've heard. So, check this out. :)

danger of egg consumption
Egg, this food is consumpted by humans from a long time ago (this is my favorite food too) and now it still be consumpt by us.
But, we have to know that there is also a big risk in consumpting a egg, moreover consumpt more than one egg per day. To be more detail, I've wrote the details about the risk of egg consumption. Happy reading.

1. Egg risking our health
Egg consumption increase the rate of heart attacks and diabetes risk. According to the latest analysis of scientist which posted on Astherosclerosis. Those scientist were reviewing on 14 research's cases and they found that the much we consumpt the eggs the more risk we will have.
That was 14% on heart attacks risk and 68% on diabetes risk. For those men who had diabetes, the risk rate of heart attacks will increase up to 85%.

2. Egg consumption related to Cancer cases
If a man consumpts 2,5 eggs every week, the rate of infected by the prostate cancer risk will increase up to 81%. For those men who already had this cancer, bird-type meat and egg consumption will increase the death risk.

3. Cholesterol risk in an egg
The scientist of Canafian Journal of Cardiology explained that the cholesterol which contained in an egg is exceed from the maximum cholesterol consumption in one day for those who had an risk for Cardioviscular disease. Those parameters was created by American Heart Association and National Cholesterol Education Program. Those scientist also said that stopping egg consumption for those people who had heart attacks is needed but late.

4. Detailed Review about Egg consumption related to Diabetes risk
In the latests scientist research which attended by about 57.000 males and females from 2 big-random experiments, scientist found new results that the egg consumption related to diabetes risk has 2 types. First, for males there was a risk rate which up to 58% and second, females up to 77%. This experiments explained that the rate of diabetes risk on a female is greater than on a male.

5. Detailed Review about Egg consumption related to Heart Attacks risk
The scientist found that those people who consumpts about seven or more eggs per week have almost 25% increased rate of heart attacks risk compared to those people who doesn't consumpt the egg. And for those people who had a diabetes risk, that was a death risk increased by "twice times" compared to those people (who had a diabetes) who doesn't consumpt the egg.
Egg consumption has a positive choleration with the heart attacks risk. One egg (big one) contained about 215 mg cholesterol.
danger of egg consumption
The American Heart Association explained that there was a maximum consumption of cholesterol in one day. That was 300 mg cholesterol for healthy people and less than 200 mg cholesterol for those people who had heart attack disease.
There wasn't any benefit for us to consumpt much cholesterol. The much we consumpt the eggs, the more harmness we get.
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