
     Indonesia, the archipelago nation. This nation has so many ethnic, culture and language. This time, I want a share about the beautiful part of my country, Indonesia.

     Indonesia has a reason why it's called as the archipelago nation. It was because Indonesia has so many islands. The total of islands in the Indonesia is aproximately 13.000 islands. That's answer the question why there are many ethnic, culture, and language inside. Almost on every islands, or every region inside the island has it's own kind of culture. As example, in Java Islands in Indonesia there are 4 provinces, that is Jakarta, West Java, Center Java, and East Java. In Jakarta there is an ethnic called Betawi. The Betawi has it's own culture and language. In West Java, there is an ethnic called Sunda. The Sundanese has a language and culture. Center Java and East Java has a same ethnic and culture, but both of them has a different accents. It has a same context with another islands like Sumatera, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, Maluku and many others. That's why you haven't to be amazed if there's a war between two different ethnic, although the war like this very rare.

     On February 2001, there was a war on Kalimantan Island between Dayak ethnic with Madura ethnic. The war is happened on Sampit. Sampit is name of the region in Kalimantan. The Dayak is the housefather of Kalimantan Island and Madura is the imigran from the Madura Island. There are so many version of reason why this war is happenned, but this war is the scariest, heartless and biggest war. I bet it's more sinister than the war in this present era. The people just use a big swords and magic. This war called Sampit war.

     Even there was an ethnic wars ago, but now Indonesia is in a peace. There isn't any reason for them to war. To tell you the truth, the both of the ethnics are a kind people. No, all the people in Indonesia and all the ethnic in Indonesia are very kind and "welcome" to the every person, as long as we don't do anything false and stay respectful. No, I think not only in Indonesia but everywhere.

Komodo Indonesia
    Indonesia just have 2 season. The hot season and the rain season. With those season we haven't to spend much our money to protect us from the extreme temperature of season. With those seasong too, there many animals and other live-speciment can live in. Indonesia has many species of plants and animals that you can't find in another country. Some types of animals are : Komodo Dragon, Orang Utan,  Anoa, and Rhinoceros. And a plants that you can only find in Indonesia is Raflesia Arnoldi, Sugarcane-Orchid (Anggrek Tebu), and others.

Indonesian Beach      In Indonesia, you can view many nice and perfect scenery. Consist of many islands, makes Indonesia full of a nice island with a beautiful view. Some places with a great scenery has been built a resort and a trip tour. I'll give a simple example.

      Bali, is a small Island. Consist of people with a culture and language of it's own, nice scenery and places, has a great beach with a perfect waves and has so many attractive tourism facility. Now, Bali is one of the international most interesting place to go.
     I think that's all that I want to share with you guys. So, how is it? Do you wanna visit Indonesia? Come  visit and join us. Let me guide you into the deep of pleasure with Indonesia! If you wanna know some other nice place, I'll share to you in other chance. But now I have to say goodbye. :) Thankyou for reading.
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