Photoshop answers a Father's Wish

I got this information from the Internet, and I think this news doesn't spread wide to us. So this blog created just to share about this information to you all, guys.
From what I read, there was a parents who has a daughter. The daughter was just born, but she is already being live with life-support. She has an Hemangioma Hepatic, a liver disease. That disease makes her stay all her whole life on the craddle with the life-support. Her parents also already registering the daughter for Liver transplant. But, after a while she wait for a transplant, she passed away because she had complication on her belly.
And then, the father , Nathen Steffel makes a post on the Reddit (Social Media), that is there anyone  can remove the tubes from his daughter's photo?
Photoshop answer father's wish

And this is the answer,

Photoshop answer father's wish

Photoshop answer father's wish

Photoshop answer father's wish

Let's pray for her, and for the parents.
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