First Experience Going to Lawangsewu, One of the most Haunted Place in Indonesia

Lawangsewu Haunted
Hi guys, I'm going to tell you about my experience of visiting the one of the most haunted place in Indonesia.
The place's name was Lawangsewu. It's built on 1904 and finished on 1907. It's located on Semarang, Province Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Lawangsewu building used to be Nederland's Train Station when it still the colonial age, the name was Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij. This place also used to be the place of war between citizen and the Japanese which happenned on 14-19 October 1945. The citizen of Semarang, called the war by "Pertempuran 5 Hari" or in english , 5 Days Of War.
Lawang means Door, and Sewu means One Thousand. Yes. This building was named like that because there are so many doors in those building, although the doors quantity is not as much as it's name. So, it is the reason why the building named by "Lawangsewu".
This building also has an underground floor. This floor is used to be prison of semarang's citizen, and the place where the dead punishment of the citizen held. The place is located under the river in order as the cooler of the heat of the underground rooms.
Lawangsewu Haunted

The river connection is to the outside building. The river is used to be named by Red River, because when the war is on progress, the river was full of blood.
The rumors said there are so many odds cases happenned here. The sound of girls crying, some bald headed childs playing, big humans, and others. As we know as the history of this building is terrify. But the people wasn't startled enough with that scary cases.
So this time, I got a chance to visit that place. Just me and my friend.
When I arrived at gate, and I started to walk into the maindoor. Next to the maindoor, there is a ticket stand. In the ticket stand, we have to pay Rp. 10.000 or about $1 for one person. He also offers me a guidance just by Rp.30.000 or about $3.
I paid it(total, about $4), and I started to walk into the building with the guidance along with me.
First view, is an hallway. The hallway is so empty, the wind breeze so calmly, and the quiet atmosphere accompany us. Yes, with just some foots from the outside the haunted aura can already be feel.

Lawangsewu Haunted

The nothingness and the cleanliness of the hallway make the atmosphere become more terrifying, with the guider started tell us about it's history.
I really dont care about the history he told us, all I wanted is just guidance for dangers and ways, because the hallways is so confusing.
As it's name, Lawang Sewu( One Thousand Door). I can clearly said that there's so many doors and windows installed along the hallway. And I can clearly said, that the atmosphere is very very terrifying. Very... terrifying.. hihihihi *ghost laughing
In the middle of our trip, the guidance bring us to the place where the tragedy and the most haunted place is located, the place where I want to visit.
But in the middle of our walks to that place, the radio communication is ringing and it's from another crew. It's said that we can't go through the river because it's raining outside and the flood will coming as soon as possible, as we know the place is under the river so actually we have to rent some boat shoes for $1 to go through the river and go to the prison and the you-know-what place, but WE CAN'T go any further. *hell yeah *wtf *let's go home *gunreadyshotmyhead.
Then, I started to think to go back because I have no idea to stay here any further, and because there's no other place I want to visit.
Finally, the Guidance ate us...
I meant, finally the guidance bring us to the outside and the journey of the one of the most haunted place in the indonesia is ended dissapointly. :( But, I still experienced other things that nice terrifying.
Next time I'll make sure I can go through the prison and the you-know-what place.
Lawangsewu Haunted

Thankyou for reading!
I give you the bonus video.
This video is a "Guts Test" inside the prison near the River. This is in a program of Indonesian's television.
Note: you can see something nice. Hihihihihi *ghost laughing.

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