How to reduce cholesterol consumption (habit)

     Cholesterol, this time I'm going to tell you and give you some suggestion about controlling the cholesterol. Cholesterol should not be stacked because it is dangerous to health. However, to lowering your cholesterol rate in your body isn't easy because we have to change our habits. To lowering the cholesterol rate, we have to reducing the intake of foods containing fat, drinks some types of healthy drinks, and have a exercise like doing a jogging, running, and other easy sport in some time.

There are some tips for me to lowering your cholesterol rate:
Reduce Cholesterol
1. Exercise regularly to and reproduce physical activity at least walk 30-40 minutes each day to enable the burning of fat and calories or for a man, push up 50 times on some rounds. If you don't have an intends to do exercise everyday, do it regularly in a week for a few hours at least 3-4 hours.
2. Maintain your body weight to have always in a ideal body condition.
3. Don't consume any softdrinks, don't smoke, don't drinks alcohols.
4. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates and saturated fat diet
5. Reproduce consume vegetables and fruits contain phytosterols as phytosterols such as peanuts, soybeans, apples, bananas, grapes, melons, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, wheat and brown rice because these foods are high in fiber and can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.
6. Consume only skim milk, cheese, sour cream and low-fat yogurt (occasionally)
7. Reducing the consumption of fatty meat
8. Avoid fries and other fast foods like pizza, buger and other.
9. Avoid foods that are processed by a oil that was used for many times.

Here is choosen foods can lower cholesterol fast:
1. Soy milk containing proteins also can help lower total cholesterol. This food is very rich in fiber, you can eat them directly or in processed form as mixed with vegetable.
2. The use of garlic juice is also good for cholesterol shed. Eating fresh garlic is often a problem for many people because of bad taste and pungent aroma. Make it easier to get into our bodies, garlic can be custumized by many fruit and vegetables.
3. Lemon juice or a glass of warm water fed lemon juice. This drink is good for maintaining heart health and lower cholesterol.
4. Grape juice or red wine (wine) is very rich in antioxidants, which will help increase HDL.
5. Beans: These vegetables are also a source of soluble fiber and digestive system.
6. Carrots: According Tory Hudson, ND who became one of the authors of The Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine states despite the carrot instead of food sources of soluble fiber which is good, but from the research results prove if consumed while breakfast at least a piece of raw carrot will lose up to 11% because of this carrot contain insoluble fiber useful in helping launch the digestive function, as well as accelerate the process of reduction of cholesterol in the body.
7. Olive Oil: by Bettye NOWLIN, MPH, RD (nutritionist from Los Angeles) stated that olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids that when it became part of a low fat will helps regulate cholesterol levels.
8. Oats are also rich in fiber, half a cup of instant oats contributed four grams of fiber. Fiber function is for slowing the breakdown of carbohydrate. Therefore, your blood sugar levels will remain stable.
9. Wheat: wheat  is efficacious for lowering cholesterol because these foods are rich in fiber and soluble. So wheat can solve your problem for your diet.
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